CloudTop - Cloud Web Desktop
Finally the original iCloud service is back as CloudTop
Have you ever wondered were the cloud web desktop called iCloud that you originally signed up for ended up? iCloud were the worlds leading WebOS and really pushed the envelope for what was possible to do within a web browser. With the help of many of you, the desktop and its apps were translated to 31 languages. After the name change from iCloud to CloudMe, the desktop mysteriously disappeared from our service. CloudMe focused on being one of the worlds best sync/storage providers and CloudTop acquired the desktop. Well, CloudTop is now back with a much-improved HTML5 platform and full cross-browser functionality.

Exclusively for all CloudMe members, you can now use your CloudMe login to sign in to the online computer and desktop of CloudTop right from your web browser. For a limited time, CloudMe members are allowed to start using the alpha version of CloudTop, later when launched, the cloud web desktop service will be invitation only for all new accounts. Please note that this is an alpha version, not a completed version of CloudTop.

CloudTop - Cloud Web Desktop Screenshot The service look like a full computer desktop, but run directly from within a web browser and allow you to edit documents you have in your CloudMe account using Zoho Office. Familiar applications like Photos and Mail are available. The Document Explorer application in CloudTop allow you to organize files and folders in your CloudMe account with full drag and drop.

CloudTop is a great addition to all available clients that work with CloudMe and something truly unique to CloudMe compared to other online storage services. For users of Google Chromebook, CloudTop gives you a cloud file system, desktop and drag and drop between applications.

Enjoy and hurry up to sign in before their cross-promotion ends. The WebOS is back.

Watch the old iCloud desktop movie, and see if you can spot the improvements made in CloudTop:

For support questions regarding the desktop, visit, CloudMe will not handle any support.
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